A Special Wellness Edition (Natural Health and COVID19)

There is no doubt that we are all connected,

And the past couple weeks has been yet another reminder of how much so. I am sure that you have had worries that have come up. With all the uncertainty it’s hard not to. Here are some things that I hope you will find very helpful.

Time in Nature

When we spend time in nature we realize that we are more than just humans on this planet. It can be comforting to remember that we don’t have to rely on our unpredictable species for our peace of mind. The more than human world has adapted to great stress and impossible obstacles. We can do the same. Find yourself outdoors more for the next couple weeks. Breathe in the life-giving and immune-boosting phytoncides from our plant friends and see if there is a message for you. 

Truly, outside in nature is one of thee best places you can find healing.



Formulas I’m using

Host Defense® MycoShield® spray combines five powerful polypore mushroom species to provide a unique “shield” of immune support* An oral spray serves as a first line of defense in mouth and throat to help ward off a virus before it gets into the body. I believe we will continue to further our understanding of mushrooms for health, to fight off viruses and other diseases via polysaccharides that increase the activity & impact of natural killer cells and macrophages. Reishi mushroom is another excellent choice.

Elderberry Syrup

Here is one herbalist’s favorite and one high-potency recipe to make your own:

  • 4 cups dried elderberries

  • ¼ ounce freshly grated gingerroot

  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves

  • Honey

Read more - you may also find the link for a go-to elderberry syrup sold online and in stores.

Herbal Antivirals by Stephen Harrod Buhner

Stephen Harrod Buhner is a trusted resource with an astounding depth of knowledge. Buhner developed the first comprehensive knowledge base and subsequent text on potent, systemic antibacterial plants which are effective in the treatment of resistant infections that do not respond to pharmaceuticals—and his protocols are top of my list to take care of myself and my family during the COVID-19 crisis. 

Be mindful of optimal daily intake of Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Probiotics (fermented food or supplement), and Vitamin A (sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy greens with a fat, like olive oil, cod liver oil).



What’s on hand in my medicine cabinet

Echinacea Goldenseal with Olive Leaf by Planetary Herbals

Boneset tincture

Elder flower dried herb

Yarrow dried herb

Breathe Deep tea by Yogi Tea

Children’s Defense by Prairie Star Botanicals (found on my Shop)


Healing Foods to focus on

Garlic (raw is best), onions, ginger (fresh as tea), oregano

Chicken broth (soup)

Zinc-containing foods like seeds (sesame, hemp, pumpkin), lentils, grass-fed beef, dark chocolate and cocoa, peanuts, garlic, chickpeas

Steamed leafy greens, broccoli, carrots, and sweet potatoes

Fresh and frozen berries

Shiitake and maitake mushrooms

Fermented foods (kraut)


Sugar, alcohol and soda, dairy (cow), greasy and fried foods



Visualization for Resilient Health

The mind-body connection is powerful. Scientific studies show that guided imagery can produce changes in immune activity on a cellular level—elevating immune system functioning, affecting corresponding white blood counts, and increasing “natural killer” or NK cells. 

Simply take a minute to picture the healthy and strong cells in your body. Make a health declaration.

Here is a short guided meditation for healthy cells and vibrant health.

Be well, my friends.

Suggestions made above are for educational purposes only, and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.