What if I Had Never Seen This Before
/Mindfulness Meditation Practice Invitation: 🌱
It's Spring and that means time spent outdoors can be so nice
I invite you to go for a mindful walk - but this time shift your focus from the usual soles of your feet as they touch the ground, breathing, etc. - to your surroundings. The world around you viewed from the lens of fresh eyes will be your anchor. Just keep bringing the mind back to the trees, flowers, sensations of the Spring breeze, even modern life elements likes houses and cars.
Imagine you have never seen this before or this is the last time seeing the beauty around you.
Wow. This practice for me today was intense. The colors were so vivid and the air around me felt - alive. And it almost brought me to tears. I'm not sure if it was the awe of this world I live in or a feeling of almost sadness that it is so fleeting.
These simple mindfulness practices can be profound. I am grateful for every moment I am pulled out of the trance and into my life. Reminded. I wish this for you too. Let me know what you think. Will you accept the challenge of trying this type of mindful walk?