Surfing as a Metaphor - Navigating Life with Mindfulness
/Mindfulness helps us to become less reactive. Although there is constant input in our lives that affect us and how we are feeling, practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation and awareness in the present moment can keep us grounded or - riding the waves with more ease.
Learning to surf is a wonderful metaphor for why we practice mindfulness. You may not be able to stop the difficulties and challenges but you can learn to handle them with more ease and equanimity.
I also consider the image of riding on top of the water. This reminds me that it is possible to ride the metaphorical waves without being pulled under and with a positive, resilient mindset.
It's more about what we do with this input. The practices - even simple ones - strengthen our ability to be calm with stressful or upsetting input. It can become second nature, a part of who you are and how you deal with ups and downs.
“You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”
― Jon Kabat-Zinn
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn