Fall Meditation for Self-Reflection & Letting Go
/Put on you headphones, find a quiet space and join me in this 8-min guided meditation to open up to turning inward for self-reflection and a sense of ease in letting go.
Tips before you begin:
You may wish to let your tongue rest right behind the upper front teeth during this mindfulness practice.
Your breath may be faster or slower than mine. Go at your own comfortable pace.
With non-judgement and an open heart, allow what comes.
Let’s begin.
There is no better time than now to learn meditation and mindfulness. If this interests you and you are not sure how to get started, or if you have a practice that you would like to deepen, please consider reaching out for a free 15-minute conversation on how we may work together to get you on a path of inner peace, resilience and flourishing in your life and relationships.