Rock Meditation: Simple Relaxing Mindfulness Exercise (Children love it too)
/This mindfulness exercise really helps to demonstrate what practicing mindfulness is - and how simple and wonderful it can feel:
Choose something from nature or an object from your surroundings. I like to use an interesting looking rock.
Set your timer for 5-10 minutes.
Rest the object in your hand, close your eyes and feel the weight and texture.
Place all attention on the object in your hand.
Let go of the label of "rock" for example. See if you can feel it and notice it in a fresh new way.
If the mind wanders, just come back to the feeling of the object in your hand.
See with fresh eyes again, this object - does it feel warm, heavy, or light? Bumpy or smooth?
Now gently open your eyes and observe the shape, color, and texture.
If you find you have slipped into thought, bring your attention back to the object with sight and touch.
Let the mind REST on the object, in this moment.
Young children naturally do this all the time. Adults often feel something powerful we when we come back to this childlike way of noticing the world.
Present-moment-awareness bathes us in a stillness that we long for.
Let me know if you'll try this practice - I'd love to hear how it went! I’m happy to answer any questions.